Digital and Research Projects

A list of digital and research projects I have been involved with either presently or in the past.

A best practice Blog: Academic, Archival and Library History blogging

A best practice Blog: Academic, Archival and Library History blogging
Date(s): 2012-2013
Research Project: Funded through the SMKE Scholarship, this project is an investigation into blogging practices in the History and history-related profession.  Using interviews and surveys the project will create a small toolkit for postgraduate and early career researchers thinking about using blogs.

Novel Approaches: A virtual conference
Date(s): 2011
Online Conference: In 2011 the IHR held their winter conference on the relationship between historical fiction and academic history. I took a lead role in developing a 'virtual' extension to the conference that contained podcasted lectures, book reviews, articles, opinion pieces and bibliography lists.

History SPOT [Seminar Podcasts and Online Training platform]
Date(s): 2010-present
Training Project: The Institute of Historical Research brought me abroad to develop a new platform to provide a new online presence for their 50+ research seminars, their conferences and workshops as well as develop an online presence for their online training courses.  History SPOT was the result and continues to grow.

Date(s): 2009
Training Project: After finishing my PhD at Sheffield I worked at the Humanities Research Institute as an aid on the Humbox repository.  I processed and uploaded material to the then in-development Humbox repository.  In addition I reviewed various items within the repository and helped to user-test the site.

John Foxe's Acts and Monuments Online [TAMO] (previously John Foxe Online)
Date(s): 2005-2009
Research Project: I was the project Postgraduate student in its final phase and also acted in the role of a project researcher providing transcriptions, commentaries, and an essay on the medieval sources.

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